Marriage Coaches
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Marriage Coaches
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What is a Marriage Coach?
At its core, a marriage coach helps you and your partner patch up, improve, and strengthen your relationship.
The reasons for marriages to get into trouble are diverse. Maybe the fire went out, one of you stopped trying, trust was broken, or an affair stepped into the void of an already shaky connection.
As a problem solver, your marriage coach will provide you both with tailored guidance to resolve your conflicts, enhance communication, or fix your rifts after an affair. If both parties agree, they can also help you explore alternate relationship styles like ethical non-monogamy, open relationships, or polyamorous relationships.
With their support, you’ll be able to rekindle your connection, build a more fulfilling, joyful marriage and create lasting happiness together.
How is a Marriage Coach Different from a Therapist or Marriage Counselor?
For one, therapists and counselors need a degree in psychotherapy, psychology, social work, or medicine to practice. This limits them to talk therapy.
Secondarily, therapists often focus on your mental health problems, and explore the past to uncover the root causes.
Marriage coaches, on the other hand – especially if they are somatically-trained – are more solution-oriented, and dedicate their time and energy on nurturing your present and future.
They are also able to offer tactile practices that can be extremely effective in overcoming challenging dynamics, intensify intimacy and provide relationship repair.
How Do We Pick the Best Marriage Coach For Us?
While many coaches are seeing clients online, if it’s important for you to see your chosen practitioner in person, you should try and find a marriage coach near you. Our location-based directory can help.
Or if you prefer to work with a coach of a specific gender identity, race, or sexual orientation, our directory offers female, male, nonbinary, trans, LGBTQIA, and BIPOC coaches.